Family Financial Changes

Newly admitted students cannot formally appeal until after committing to UC Santa Cruz. Alternatively, you may contact our office for an updated estimate if you have the following information: adjusted gross income estimate for the current calendar year, updated wages for each parent for the current calendar year, any updates on untaxed income, and current assets. An adviser will be able to provide an updated verbal estimate.

Continuing Students: If your family has a change in their financial situation due to loss of income or other extenuating circumstances since you completed your financial aid application, you may request a Financial Contribution Appeal via your MyAid Verify by clicking on the “Request ” button and selecting the “Family Contribution Appeal” option. You will be required to provide a statement explaining the special circumstance(s) in addition to supporting documentation as applicable to your appeal. The last day to submit a Financial Contribution Appeal (SAI appeal) for the 2024-25 is May 1, 2025. 

We are currently processing appeals submitted in July. Students should expect to receive a response by the second week of September. Appeals submitted after July will be reviewed in October

You can contact the Financial Aid and Scholarship Office for additional information or if you have questions.

Circumstances we will generally consider:

Circumstances we will generally NOT consider:


  • Recent loss or reduction of income, including but not limited to loss of employment, reduction of pay, death of a parent or spouse, and reduction/loss of child support
  • Divorce or separation
  • One-time only income
  • High medical and/or dental expenses paid out of pocket by parent 
  • Impacted by a natural disaster
  • Private K-12 tuition paid after financial aid


  • Changes to assets or inability to liquidate assets.
  • Loss of overtime or bonus
  • Bankruptcy, foreclosures or collection costs associated with outstanding debts
  • Consumer debt (credit cards, car payments, loans, etc.)
  • Lottery or gambling winnings or losses
  • One-time income used for non-life essential items (e.g. family vacation)
  • Parents (step-parents or biological parents) who do not wish to provide support
  • A marital separation where the parents are still living together

Find your circumstance below to determine the documents to submit for a review of your appeal:

Reduction or Loss of Employment or Benefits

    • Copy of a termination letter of employment or other benefits, including verification of any severance pay
    • Copy of year to date earnings (most recent paycheck stub or most recent W-2 wage forms), disability benefit statement, unemployment summary statement that specifies the claim start date and the maximum benefit amount
    • W-2s for each parent for tax year information collected on the financial aid application
    • Signed copy of the Federal Income Tax return, including all schedules/attachments (if not previously submitted during the verification process) for the tax year collected on the financial aid application

Change in Marital Status that occurred AFTER the aid application was complete

  • Proof of separation such as:
    • Separation agreement
    • Divorce decree,
    • Death certificate,
    • or documents that show your parents are no longer living together with an intent to divorce, such as utility bills
    • W-2s for each parent for the tax year information collected on the financial aid application
    • Signed copy of the Federal Income Tax return, including all schedules/attachments (if not previously submitted during the verification process) for the tax year collected on the financial aid application

Reduction or Loss of Untaxed Income (child support, untaxed portions of IRS or pension distributions [rollovers], or other untaxed income

  • Documentation Required:
    • Copy of divorce/separation agreement, verification of a rollover (1099-R), or other documentation indicating the start and end date of benefits

One time income

  • Documentation Required:
    • Signed copy of the Federal Income Tax return, including all schedules/attachments (if not previously submitted during the verification process) for the tax year collected on the financial aid application
    • Signed copy of the Federal Income Tax return, including all schedules/attachments, for the year following the tax year information collected by the aid application

Out of pocket medical expenses, tax liens, or K-12 private school tuition

  • Documentation Required:
    • Statement from the insurance provider or estimated out of pocket expenses 
    • Statement from the IRS and/or State Franchise tax board indicating current monthly payment amounts on back taxes
    • Current K-12 private school tuition statement detailing out cost and any financial aid received
Expenses related to a Natural Disaster
    • Copies of insurance policies, which may include home, rental property, car, and/or business that documents deductibles or unreimbursed expenses
    • FEMA application, detailed contractor quotes, invoices, and/or receipts