March 18, 2020 - Financial Aid and COVID-19 Email


Dear Student,

I hope you are doing as well as can be expected during these unprecedented times. My team is fully committed to providing you and your family timely information to help you navigate the complexities that arise out of the campus changes required to ensure your safety and that of our community.

Last Friday you were sent a communication from Chancellor Larive regarding the decision to adopt remote instruction for the duration of the spring quarter. In this communication, information was included about the option to cancel housing contracts. An additional message for students in campus housing was sent on March 18, providing details on the need to confirm your housing plans for spring.

The Financial Aid & Scholarships COVID-19 website provides information regarding the potential impact to your financial aid based on the different actions you are likely contemplating. We encourage you to review the content as your question may be answered by the information provided.

The site will cover your questions relating to:

  • Withdrawing or taking a leave of absence for spring quarter
  • Remaining enrolled in spring but planning on dropping a class
  • Impact of canceling housing contract and moving home for spring
  • Completing document requests or if you have documents you want to submit
  • Contacting the Financial Aid and Scholarships’ Office

All the very best,


Patrick Register, Director

Financial Aid and Scholarships Office